Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Loving this!!!!

Matthew and I have got into the food lovers and are loving it!!!  I am NEVER hungry and feel like all I ever do it eat, eat, and eat. We are getting used to the fat lose plate its kinda weird we are eating everything we usually eat just in a new different way. Today we learned that you need to eat breakfast within an hour of getting up because it breaks the fast of the night.  I am not a morning eater so for those like us the program suggests we eat a small snack and then 2 to 3 hours later eat your breakfast.  So my plan is to drink my coffee and have a small half of bagel with cream cheese, which is considered a snack on food lovers, then have my breakfast of oatmeal with some type of fruit after I get back from taking Krysta to school.

Did you know that there are 12 things that hide in our favorite snack foods that can sabotage getting your body into a fat burning mode. If you want to get your metabolism working at its optimum levels you need to try and minimize these items. Its ok to eat these items if its not in the top 4 ingredients.   These items are sugar (sucrose), high fructose corn syrup, Brown sugar, Dextrose, maltose, corn syrup, malt syrup, maple syrup, maltitol (sugar alcohol), Maltitol syrup (sugar alcohol), modified corn starch, and corn starch.  Now dont freak out its only for 21 days. All it takes is 21 days to take your body from a fat storing to a fat burning machine.  We are learning that small adjustments to what we are already doing is going to be the push that my body needs to get going on the right track of losing the extra pounds.

When we fail at losing weight we blame ourselves for not being strong enough or having the willpower to say no to what you are craving or binging. Did you know the true problem is that when you go 4 to 5 hours without eating you will become so hungry that you cant control it anymore.  I know this sounds like an excuse but think about it when you go that long without eat do you get to the point of I don't care what I eat I just need to get something in my body.  Its all about being hungry not your lack of willpower.

Did you also know that 64% of people who keep a food journal are successful with taking the weight off as well as keeping it off.  The reason is because you see what you have been eating and will be able to see look back see what weeks worked the best and which ones you could have done better.  Then you can make changes as needed to reach your weight loss goal.

Remember don't get discouraged you can do it just stay the course!!!

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